The IT Experts

Cloud - Cyber Security - Infrastructure


AWS. Azure. Google Cloud. And many more.

Solutions, not problems

Deploying in cloud is complicated, convoluted and a real challenge for bigger organizations. Benefit from our team of experienced cloud architects and engineers and a set of templates which allow for rapid deployment.

Security and Data Protection

Giving your data away to a large unknown organization can be a problem. We can help you implement zero-trust and zero-knowledge cloud infrastructure so you and your customer's data is always secure and protected

Cost Optimization

The cloud can be cheaper. But for most organizations, the first bill is often a shock. We know how to optimize your infrastructure around your business needs and make sure your really only pay for what's necessary.

Cyber Security

Time to protect your most valuable asset: Your Data

Build for Security

Our security specialists and architects will work with you to create and operate a secure environment able to withstand all sorts of attacks. Get state-of-the-art security tools and rest assured that your organization has everything it needs to fend off attacks.

Service Recovery

Once under attack, you need to be able to react fast and effective. We will help you to stabilize or rebuild your service infrastructure and make sure it's no longer vulnerable. This way you can serve your customers and clients and keep the lights on.

Data Recovery

If you've lost control over your data due to a ransomware attack or a destructive hack, our forensic experts will help you to retrieve as much as possible. We will help you with your backups and disaster recovery sites even if they failed.


Building reliably. Fast. Secure. And affordable.

Build to last

Downtime is costly. It damages your reputation. And it's frustrating. We help you design, build and operate an infrastructure that can withstand high demand without being oversized.

Build to perform

You need performance when it counts. When you customers demand service, when your business is growing. We can make sure your services are scalable und have enough juice when needed without wasting money.

Build for Security

Your infrastructure is constantly under attack, all the time. We make sure that you're infrastructure is not only reliable and performant but also secure. So you and your customers can be assured that your and their data is safe.